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The Brockport Community Museum is
a “Museum Without Walls” that brings
local history into the community. It was
chartered by the New York State
Education Department in 2002.

Click anywhere above the red bar on any web page.
Use the back button in Museum pdf files to return to site.

We rely on your involvement and feedback.

Accessing site documents
This site makes use of Adobe Acrobat™.
Adobe Acrobat Reader™ can be downloaded here.

- Open to the public.
- Calendar

©2007-2019 Brockport Community Museum
(unless otherwise noted). Educational use is
encouraged, but content must not be altered.
Credit: Brockport Community Museum

Mail: Village of Brockport BCM, 127 Main St., Brockport, NY 14420

Site acknowledgments:
- The BCM Web Site Committee and Friends
- Design: Norman J. Frisch
- Webmaster: Brian C. Davis


Attention those who have discovered this website!

We know that this website is long past a revision and update. A lot of the background information pages are out of date. But we are working on that. We are attempting to raise enough funds to hire a web designer to convert this entire site to WordPress, a much more workable and robust platform. But, there still is a lot of history and work that is still here for your education and enjoyment. Please continue to find what you can. If you have questions please contact us at

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